Welcome to Deliberate Healing
My name is Meagan.
A career in broadcast and filmmaking has allowed me to develop skills and insights into how stories work: as memory, as consciousness-raising tools, as calls to action. I have also, through my Priestess Path apprenticeship and in my work interviewing women, gained a profound sense of what storytelling, and harnessing the power and meaning of one’s own story, can do for us as women. Plagued with negative breast image myself, due to a case of early pubescence, large breasts, and inverted nipples, my own story has resonated with many women. Through The Breast Archives, I was able to harness the revelatory power of breast storytelling, create a safe space for women to talk about their breasts, and up the ante by bringing it to millions of viewers of all ages, races, and sexes, which I hope will create a dialogue about breasts that goes beyond sex, breast-feeding, and cancer, and which will give women and girls a real chance at changing breast taboo and of healing. My work for women’s health issues has led to a Communicator's Award, a Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical Journalism and Fellowship, and and a Time Inc. Health Education Award nomination. I am a member of women in Film/Video, Atlanta, eWomen Network, and The Association for the Study of Women and Mythology.
I am a Cancerian with Scorpio Rising, and a Moon in the 10th House with Mercury. I am a messenger with an eye for detail and a Manifestor's work ethic. I am here to inspire, and to facilitate, and to share what I know and what I'm learning!
Thank you for being here.
“My greatest pleasure as a producer is inspiring viewers to discover their own stories. I am motivated by my conviction that media can be a platform to explore our shared humanity, as well as the love and mysteries that surround us.”
Demo Reel
Let’s Work Together: MeaganMurphydhp@gmail.com
Enthusiastic, forthright, engaging…
I love co-creating, making a difference, and unifying people.
As a researcher, traveler, artist, and as the inheritor of three generations of film reels, I have accumulated a significant library. I use a mix of traditional and avantgarde storytelling techniques, and my own artistic creations in order to capture essence, beauty, memory, and our shared lineage. My goal is to inspire a deeper understanding of our body temples—and to discover new ways of healing deliberately.

The Communicator, Award of Distinction
Medical Journalism Fellowship, Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Time Inc. Freddie Award Health Education, Finalist
Grant Recipient, Massachusetts Department of Education